Thai media in the era of “Narrowcasting” and the decisive year that determines the fate of traditional media from the point of view of Dr. Ake Pattaratanakun, Thailand’s leading marketing expert
- มกราคม 31, 2565
- Thailand Media Landscape 2021-2022

- The algorithms of media platforms are the main factor driving the growth of the consumption of narrowcast content. As narrowcasting has become more common, consumers of such content are a comparatively small audience defined by special interest.
- Social media will likely continue to grow and become more competitive in 2022. Specifically, the usage of digital tools will cause a clear divide between those who are used to using traditional tools and those who prefer digital tools.
- Consumers should be cautious when consuming content on social media so that they can keep up with important issues. Having deep knowledge about a subject is good but having only superficial knowledge can be a cause for concern.
2022 is the decisive year that will determine who among the traditional media group will survive and who won’t be to continue. Accelerated by the pandemic, some of the traditional media were able to efficiently adapt and transition to using a wide variety of marketing tools. We could see some radio shows have opted to abandon their old ways and make themselves available on different platforms. More importantly, as they are able to firmly grasp their target audience, they are able to continue to exist,

Narrowcasting, or disseminating content to a comparatively small audience defined by special interest, will become more common because of the change in the behaviors of consumers who have narrowed down interests and want more in-depth information. Media presenters, therefore, need to make the necessary adjustments to accommodate consumers.

Broadcasting used to be the cornerstone of traditional media, including television and radio, but if traditional media do not make the necessary changes to transition to narrowcasting by targeting an audience defined by special interest, it is more than likely that they will not be able to survive in the current market.
Moreover, in marketing and content creation, the saying that “Content and Audience Relationships are Kings” remains an important factor because merely offering good content might not be enticing enough for customers anymore. This is why traditional media should refrain from one-way communication and should instead promote two-way or multi-way interactions with their audience.