Pornpan “Kaew” Chaviwan, CHOM PR Managing Director says, the Media Becomes Increasingly Focused on Creating Content for Each Platform amid the Battle for Likes, Shares, and Comments
- มกราคม 31, 2565
- Thailand Media Landscape 2021-2022

- As for Public Relations trends in 2022, hybridization will become more prominent. That is, there will be a mix of both online and on-ground.
- Nowadays, the media create and plan their content precisely and systematically as the target audience or consumers spend most of their time online on their mobile devices.
- The Public Relations operation, meanwhile, combines various media platforms to reach the target audience but not a large number of tools may be used. For example, Key Opinion Leaders and KOCs are combined to create awareness and reach the target audience.
- Boosting content for each platform is one of the major movements of any company or brand today.
Pornpan “Kaew” Chaviwan, CHOM PR Managing Director, who has more than 20 years of experience in the public relations and media industry, believes that PR people need to be open-minded and look at the media in the big picture.
Now that the media has consolidated, the scope of PR is not limited to press releases distribution or media relations anymore. It includes thinking and planning in order to reach the target audience, and that requires a combination of media platforms like newspapers, radio, television, online media and influencers who can influence the perspective of the target audience.

We have to facilitate everything from making and attaching infographics or even an open image that can be posted on social media. We even determine which platform this image is suitable for, like this one is for Facebook, that one is for IG, and this site is a thumbnail for YouTube, for instance

Nowadays, there are many movements in the media industry, such as KOL and KOC, and there are many new trends every day. Working with the current trends remains an important challenge for PR. For example, one day consumers may like this KOL or Influencer, but tomorrow there may be a drama attacking this individual. PR people have to adapt and adjust their plans all the time.
As for PR trends in 2022, hybridization will become more prominent. That is, there will be a mix of both online and on-ground. Although the COVID-19 situation is starting to resolve, in terms of behavior, people have already learned what type of work can be carried out online, what type requires meeting face-to-face or what type needs the participation of the media or the target audience. The most important takeaway is that people’s behavior has already developed.