Examining the challenges facing online and social media with Noppatjak “Aim” Attanon, WorkpointTODAY Editor-in-Chief
- มกราคม 31, 2565
- Thailand Media Landscape 2021-2022

- Major media companies will pay more attention to and invest more in online media in 2022 in order to produce customized content that better suits different platforms.
- Popular platforms like Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Instagram all have different approaches to the presentation and format . As a result, media people have to design and learn to work in a way that suits the nuances of each platform.
- The creation of a distinct identity is extremely important for media outlets in times of intense competition because all online media outlets are on the same platforms and tools.
In 2022, major mainstream media outlets will start to invest more and pay more attention to online media. They will clearly follow established online-media principles. Instead of just publishing newspaper articles on websites or Facebook pages, they will start using online platforms more seriously. More of them will create pages and design branding activities or create content specifically for online media

Therefore, the optimization of content to suit different platforms and the creation of a distinct identity is critical for media outlets in times of intense competition because all online-media outlets use the same platforms as their tools.

Content broadcast via the YouTube channel of WorkpointTODAY has been adjusted to best highlight the identity of the news team. The channel focuses on topics that really affect people’s life like politics, COVID-19, people’s livelihood, economic situations and developments abroad with in-depth knowledge.
When WorkpointTODAY’s content is clear and on target, viewers will not choose to watch news based on topics or whether the news is hot. Instead, they will watch because they want to watch WorkpointTODAY and that will help keep the audience watch clips on the WorkpointTODAY channel until the end.