Suvita “Pu” Charanwong, Tellscore CEO & Co-Founder Chimes in on The Role of Influencers
- มกราคม 31, 2565
- Thailand Media Landscape 2021-2022

- Media or influencers will be able to effectively “speak to” a wide range of consumers by presenting content that meet consumers’ desires to unwind or manage their working or learning environments during the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Using Key Opinion Customers (KOCs) in the initial campaigns or other marketing activities is one of the keys to success, as it is cost-saving. But KOCs may not always be a reliable KPI that reflects clear measurable value.
- Performance must come with data; meaning, brands want influencers that are able to sell products, not just presenting them. That is, brands look for influencers that can generate revenue. Data and performance are, thus, inseparable.
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the economy and is a primary reason why people from every profession, including influencers, have made adjustments to the new reality to survive. A diverse group of influencers has emerged, which, on the one hand, is good for brands,
according to Suvita “Pu” Charanwong, CEO and Co-Founder of Tellscore, one of the leading influencer marketing automation platforms.
At the same time, consumers want to heal themselves from the stress caused by problems that come with COVID-19, such as divorce and depression, which led to an increase in demand for counselling service and telemedicine. Bloggers and influencers created content, including about ASMR (Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response) triggers, in response to these problems to help people destress. Although the content that stimulates ASMR has somewhat lost steam, they became popular among consumers again and enjoyed a substantial rise in 2021.

Long-form documentary-style content also became a thing among influencers during COVID-19, thanks to the popularity of documentaries on streaming platforms like Netflix and content inspired by online learning, such as content about Egyptian-style makeup filled with historical information created by beauty influencers. This type of content was able to attract students and the general public.

The types of influencers used by brands and businesses to promote their campaigns and communicate with target groups include Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) and KOCs. The latter is known by other titles — depending on the purpose of the campaign — including employee advocates, consumer advocates and big fan programs.
KOCs are popular with brands because they are cost-saving and help brands tackle the layoff issue during the COVID-19 crisis. This type of influencer is used by FMCG (fast-moving consumer goods) businesses, consumer goods businesses and major corporations with over 1,000 or 10,000 employees.